Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Eight Troopers at "6:00AM" aka 7:00AM DST

Gotta love Daylight Savings Time...spring that hour hour of lost sleep in my comfy bed. My body has a very good alarm system, too good for comfort, as I kept waking up every hour three hours before I am SUPPOSED to get up.

Get up I did, and upon arriving at 6:45, the lovely Bettina cheered my arrival, announcing that I am the second one to show up. Cool! A semi-private class, lots of room to stretch without having to touch the neighbours. Fifteen minutes later, six other students showed up, and there we were, the eight troopers/die-hard yogis/morning people/what have you, sweating and working hard, and getting the best workout to start our Sunday right.

My body this morning felt a little bit sore, a little bit heavy. My poor right elbow has been doing well, albeit still feeling pain in certain angles. I haven't been wearing the brace for about two weeks now.

Last night, I said to my husband that my passion is this yoga. He did not doubt what I've just said, as he has not seen me this passionate about an activity before. He knows I am looking after myself...happy wife, happy life, right?

Good night, Mommy. I love you.

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