Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Real Test for My Monkey Mind

'Twas a very HOT, BOILING, SWEATY class this morning. Drip, drip, drip went my salty sweat onto my toes in Balancing Stick. During each Savasana I kept looking at the two fans on the ceiling and willing them to start rotating. I was willing the door to open. I was contemplating on leaving the room, and to top it off, to retrieve my water bottle filled with ice-cold Emergen-C spiked water. For some reason, our teacher (bless her heart) must have sensed the discomfort, the breathing out through the mouth of some of us yogis after a posture, that she turned the fans on. Oh, joy!

My monkey mind was ahead of me, trying to coax me into not doing the Camel Posture, that deepest of back bends. But yoga mind countered with, "Lorrena, you're here in the hot room, you might as well make the most of it, and just DO the Camel!" And do it I did. I didn't want to get out of it before the teacher said to. There I was, in the posture and instead of holding my breath while awaiting the magic phrase "Put your hands back on your hips...", I just took a breath and lifted my chest up, and continued breathing so I won't pass out. Yes, I nailed both sets of Camel. Oh joy, I survived!

Can't wait for tomorrow's class. So far, I have done four straight days, and the future looks rosy as I may be able to go for another three straight. Oh joy!

Now it's just a question of whether to go for the 6:00AM or the 9:00AM...

Good night, Mommy. I love you.

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