Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Today would have been my Mommy's 86th birthday. Sadly, she left us close to a year ago now. And we all miss her every single day that goes by.

When we lived in the Philippines, birthdays in our family were special events. Our big, extended family always got together for dinner, either at our favourite Chinese restaurant named Shantung, then dessert of ice cream at the Magnolia House on the way home. Before Mommy retired, her work family always feted her on her birthday. She was very well-loved, by her colleagues and staff, and her patients. She would come home with an assortment of gifts and flowers.

But as much as I know that she felt very appreciated by these gestures, nothing gives her more pleasure than spending time with her family. A simple birthday card with words of love and affection from her children will instantly bring a smile on her beautiful face.

Yesterday I spent some time at her graveside to wish her a Happy Birthday. My two brothers and our Dad were there too, and we shared our thoughts, shed some tears, oh how we miss her so! I've dreamed about her twice within the space of maybe 2-3 days last week. She was happy, and she was among her family. In the first dream, I gave her a big hug, so happy to see her, then realized that she wasn't meant to be there. Nevertheless, it appeared that she was meant to be there, with us. In the second dream, I saw her walking towards an adjacent building. When I checked on her, I saw that she was getting dressed in something special for her birthday party. When I told my sister about these dreams, she said that it was probably Mommy's way of making sure that she is not forgotten on her birthday. Ah, but she need not worry, because she will always be in our hearts, our thoughts. We know that she is always with us, wherever we are, whatever we are doing.

Good night, Mommy. I love you. Enjoy your special day with Lolo, Lola, and all our relatives who have gone before the rest of us. We will always hold you close to our hearts.


Juliana said...

My thoughts are with you, Lorrena. I'm happy that you've dreamed about your mom. Dreams like those can be very comforting.

YoginiBear said...

Thank you, Juliana. They did give me comfort, and I was very happy to "see" her somehow.