Friday, June 3, 2011

Savasana Reward

For my 6:00AM practice today I decided to enjoy my final Savasana. Typically I would rush out the door as soon as teacher says "Namaste". I wanted to secure a shower spot ahead of the other yogis whom I know would be rushing off to work. Last night, I visited senior teacher Ida Ripley's blog and one of the topics she wrote about was Savasana. She mentioned that we should take the opportunity to reward ourselves with the final Savasana after a grueling 90 minute practice. One to two minutes of complete relaxation will do a body wonders, and one to two minutes delay will not be a huge impact on one's schedule. Lightbulb moment for me. Yes, why not devote two minutes of my time to my body and mind. So what if I have to wait for a shower spot to come up. Everybody's rushing out of there to get to work on time anyway. So, there I was this morning, taking a 5-minute Savasana. The bonus was, class ended two minutes early so I even had time to have my water after class before heading for the shower. I noticed that my body had enough time to recover and stop sweating. On previous occasions, even after showering, I was still sweating so much that I felt like I had to jump in the shower again.

So, from now on, I will not take final Savasana for granted again.

Good night, Mommy. I love you.


La said...

Love final savasanas.

I read somewhere that said not taking a full savasana was like sex without an orgasm lol!

Perspectives differ, same message methinks :p

YoginiBear said...

I can kinda picture that...:)