Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 = Hang in There!

I was back on the 3:45PM yoga train today. I thoroughly enjoyed Owl's class this afternoon. She makes you work hard and I needed that today. The heat was bogging me down during the Standing Series, although I felt a lot better today than yesterday. There were a few who stepped out of the room today. It only takes one to leave, then soon after that, more people leave. One gave up with just 10 minutes left before the class ended. Stay in the room, guys! If you're feeling crappy, just lie down and rest, but stay in the room. Make sure you hydrate well BEFORE class, not DURING class. Practice with an empty stomach. Meditate. Defeat that Monkey Mind.

When I attended a Posture Clinic headed by the late Ren Soriano last year, I was DONE! by the time he led the Beginners Class at the end of the day. I tanked right from the get-go. I was on my knees or on my back for the majority of the postures. But I stayed in the room. And I let it go. I didn't beat myself up. I moved on. I have the rest of my life to practice yoga.

Posture of the Day: Triangle
I have been struggling with Trikanasana (Triangle) in that I couldn't keep my arms stretched out parallel to the floor in preparation for the actual posture! I find myself out of breath lately. But today, I fared better. I was able to keep my thigh bent low enough so it's parallel to the floor (thanks to Owl's coaching!). I strived to hold still in the posture, and to keep my hip still the whole time.

Good night, Mommy. I love you.

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