Monday, May 9, 2011

I Surrender...

I am hardly ever sick. My kid and hubby can be sick and I would just sail on by like I have an impenetrable bubble around me. However, it seems that the bug that my kid caught over the weekend managed to penetrate my shield. This morning I woke up with a slight sore throat. I did persevere and managed to show up for the 6:00AM class.

I was going strong until I got to the Floor Series. Suddenly, I felt my legs feeling heavy. My animals had to be corralled. I had no energy left in me to have a strong finish. I couldn't wait to get out of the hot room. That shower never felt better. That Kombucha never felt more refreshing.

I made it to work, and was relieved that it was a short shift and that I have the next two days off. Despite not feeling 100%, I am still contemplating on practicing tomorrow. Not at 6:00AM, but at 9:00AM. That's the plan, anyway. I will get up and listen to my body. Maybe take the day off; there's always the following day.

Good night, Mommy. I love you.

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