Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 15 - At The Halfway Mark - You Win Some (Inches), You Lose Some (Inches)

Day 15 - April 15, 2010 - 6:00AM with Anastasia

Well, here I am, halfway through my 30 Day Challenge. I'm slowly getting back to my deepest forward bend for the Hands to Feet Pose. The soreness in the bum is slowly subsiding, although I felt some tingling sensation in my right hand (like it's going to fall asleep). Overall, I still feel terrific.

I am not going to go into the details on how I executed the postures today, whether I noticed some progress or not. I am just going to share some of my thoughts about the Challenge, if I may. Here are what stands out:

1. If it weren't for the Challenge, I wouldn't be coming everyday to practice. I would only practice on my days off, or when I feel like it. Although I noticed that I seemed to go deeper in some of the postures by not coming everyday, missing a few days does take its toll~I feel there's something missing!

2. If it weren't for the Challenge, I would not get used to getting up as early as 5:00AM to make it to the 6:00AM class. As this is the only class that would work for my schedule during the work week, signing up for the Challenge has forced me to JUST DO IT.

3. If it weren't for the Challenge, I would not be able to uncover the potential my body has yet to offer. I was flexible as a child, but at my age, I didn't know I COULD STILL be flexible.

4. If it weren't for the Challenge, I would not have developed a camaraderie with my fellow yogis at the studio. I have met some really good people who are very dedicated to their practice. Our instructors are very helpful and they really care about their students.

5. Last but not the least, if it weren't for the Challenge, I would not be diligent in keeping my body healthy outside the yoga studio. My eating habits have improved; I eat less quantity, but more quality.

I intend to practice yoga well up to my senior years. I would like my body to stay healthy and happy so that I can enjoy what life has yet to offer me. I would like to grow old with my husband and enjoy our retirement. I would like to see our daughter grow up to womanhood and start her own family, and enjoy them all. I don't want to stagnate, I don't want to become a grumpy old woman. I want and need to be happy, so I can pass this happiness to every single person I meet. Namaste.

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