Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 28 = Rockin' The Awkward...Sort Of

Day 28 - April 28, 2010 - 6:00AM with Peter

It was great to have Peter back for the 6:00AM.  It has been a while since he taught the first class of the day.  It is a treat to have him as he makes it a point to correct you.  When you think you've been a superstar in some (if not all) of the postures, guess again.  Peter will notice something that's off in your alignment and will let you know.  So, I thought I was rockin' the Awkward Pose, in all three stages.  I nailed the first stage, then during the second while I had my heels up and knees up and legs steady, he corrected me as I was not leaning back far enough.  What?!?!?  So I made the adjustment, and the legs started shaking, and that was it.  I had to get out of the posture.  I was brought back to earth, humbled.  But thank you, Peter!  I can always count on you to keep me on my (Awkward) toes!

I just love the Awkward.  It keeps my legs strong and toned.  I have no problem balancing on my toes as my feet are quite wide :)  I know there's a positive side to having wide feet.  They may not look great in summer sandals and flip flops, but they sure keep me grounded during Awkward! :)

So, two days to go and the 30 Day Challenge is over.  I will continue with another 30, making it a 60 Day Challenge which Bikram recommends to every new student.  It would be interesting to find out what happens beyond the 30...stay tuned!

1 comment:

Juliana said...

Hi Lorrena! So glad to have found you here!
You are so right about Peter's corrections. Good for you for loving Awkward. It is my nemesis.
Hope to see you soon!