Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 22 - No Judgment

'Twas another great class today. I should, however, refrain from drinking too close to the start of class. I've been taking pee breaks after Eagle, thereby missing out on doing Standing Head to Knee for the the right leg during the first set. I've been very pleased with my Balancing Stick, ever since I started to stretch my arms up, point my toes back, keeping the leg strong and contracted, and PIVOTING forward like a wheel, keeping the arms and legs connected as the arms go down and the leg goes up.

During the one of the Savasanas, teacher C. talked about people who are reluctant to try this yoga because they think they are not flexible. I, too, have been trying to get one of my work buddies to go to his first class; I even gave him one of my complimentary class passes as an incentive! One time he had complained that he had hurt his back playing soccer and that he wants to rest first. I told him that if he had only gone the first time I had asked him, he probably would have prevented this from happening. Anyway, C. said that the point of the yoga is to go in and try the best you can...that's all you can do. You build up your practice as the days go by. The one point she mentioned that I took away with me from the class today was that THERE IS NO JUDGMENT IN THE ROOM. There is no competition. I read an article shared by my yoga studio and it was entitled "10 Commandments of Bikram Yoga". The one commandment that really stood out for me was, "Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour's Practice". Nuff said. Namaste.

Good night, Mommy. I love you.

PS: Here's the link to the article:

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