Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 28 - The Camel That (Almost) Broke This Yogini's Back

As I pulled into the studio's parking lot early this morning, I caught a glimpse of this familiar looking truck already parked there. I then realized that I will be in for a hardworking, high energy practice for my 28th.

P. (aka Mr. S), who owns that familiar looking truck, works us yogis really, really,
H A R D. Expect prolonged sets of backbends, Awkward, Locust, and the "dreaded" Camel. I appreciate that he praises you for your good form as well as "suggests" tips on how to achieve good form. At the same time, he nudges you to go outside your comfort zone. He never fails to do the latter during second set of Camel. Oh, man, that second set this morning was a killer. I knew that I could hold it for as long as he would like you to hold it--I breathe to calm myself, to overcome the urge to give up. I was pushing my hips forward, more and more and more, but my thighs were screaming at me to get out of the posture ASAP! Just a couple of seconds before P. signalled the end of the second set, I got out with a grunt that resonated relief. I looked around and there were only a few of us who held up to the end. How did I feel? I felt relieved that it's over, but at the same time, I felt that I was successful in pushing myself out of my comfort zone. After having survived the Camel, I know I can survive maybe almost everything life will throw at me.

The Camel did NOT break my back. Nor was there a straw that broke my Camel's back. No matter how my practice starts out, by the time we are ready to do the Camel Pose, I know that my body has been prepared for it. I have yet to sit out the Camel. I hope that day never comes. But if it does, I will learn to let go.

Good night, Mommy. I love you.

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